Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Training Blog- 06/18 ESP-XC

Guys, its been a crazy few days for me and my family!  Saturday, I had a great day of BJJ training and then came home and did the final workout for week 3.  I did the core and balance workout and felt great doing it.  My balance is definitely getting better and I really enjoy working my core. Friday 06/17 before teaching a private lesson, I knocked out the upper body portion of the workout.  I really pushed the workout this time and it really felt great!  I was struggling with the last couple of rounds but I really pushed through and made it.  So I had Sunday and Monday off from training.  And thank goodness that I had some time off.  Monday morning my wife went into labor, and it was a long one.  We arrived at the doctors office at 9 AM that is where they directed us to go first.  We got to the actual hospital at 10 AM and we were proud parents of our second baby girl at 6:45PM on June 20th!  I came home last night at 10PM with my other little one who woke up later that night not feeling well so we didn't get to sleep until about 4 AM.  I was back at the hospital this morning at 9AM and just got home.  Hopefully my 2 year old sleeps well tonight and so will I.  I start the last week tonight and it will be legs workout.  I am going to do my best to get this workout in and really push myself because I've been surviving on hospital food the past 2 days!  Its not very good...thanks for following and I will get back to you tomorrow.

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